Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I am amazed at all of things we have learned and experienced in class! I am excited to use these tools in my classroom, and share with my co-workers. I feel as though I am more willing to use technology now due to the fact that I have seen a lot of amazing tools in action...

Excited to see what the future brings as far as technology usage!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Web Tools...

I have found a lot of very interesting tools through the course of this class. It is hard to pick a favorite when they are all new to you.
If I had to pick i would say that would have to be it!
I really like that it is so adaptable to the classroom, it even has different subjects that you can choose, they even have ART!
I like that it also shows students that they can be part of and help within a larger community.
Love the idea, I plan on using this in the future!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010


The episode was about white boards in the classroom, a discussion on how they are used with in the classroom the benefits and the downfalls.

One of the main problems that is seen, is that teachers are using the white board however they are not interactively using with the students. That the tool is engaging the teacher not the students.

I can see some simple solutions for this problem; districts allowing professional development on using the white boards interactively, trusting students to try it and teach themselves as well, and the teachers need to design instruction so that students have to use the white board.

Any other suggestions?


This morning I watched a video called, Mr. Winkle Wakes, it is about Rip Van Winkle waking up 100 years later. Confused he goes to an office building and a hospital to see that "machines' are running the world around us. He then look for comfort in a school, and nothing has changed in the past 100 years...

Although this was a very short film, I like the way it address the changes/consistency in the world around us. I think this would be a nice way to introduce technology in your classroom!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

FREE, Free, free?

We all know that movements for free software and open source software are transforming learning opportunities worldwide,
Well then why aren't more people taking advantage of it?
I feel as a younger teacher I am willing to change my ideas and work with flexibility, to show my students new things with technology. I see quite a few teachers each week who refuse to use it... Why turn down FREE information and tools for your students???

Any ideas of how we can change this?

Learning at your service...

"With the emergence of the Web 2.0, we live in a culture that is accelerating human creations and simultaneously finding new ways for sharing such creations." (Bonk, 328)

Technology amazes me, I am by no means a wizard of technology, I know very basic skills but do use them quite frequently. I am amazed that all of these new creations continue to come out and amaze. It is nice to have instant access to people that have similarities with you.

I guess what amazes me most is the amount of information that is out there, it is limitless. I also feel as though there are constraints as an educator, you always have to be aware of what you are sharing, a job in itself but truly worth sharing the information with your students. Like stated previously we need to prepare them for the world in which they will live!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Making a contribution...

If your not connected, you need to get connected!

Access to information, information sharing, and ownership of knowledge are a few pros to using technology and the Internet.

The Internet has opened the creation of free and open access to educational materials for anyone anytime.

Some tools that have exploded in popularity since their debut are Wikimedia, Chinswing, YackPack, YouTube, Teachertube, and school tube.

My favorite of these tools is YouTube, I have used this site often not only as a teacher but alsl as a learner.

So get out there and use these resources, collaborate, contribute, particiate and enjoy the endless information!